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長野県松本市生まれ。2005年に神奈川大学外国語学部英語英文学科を卒業後、職を転々としながら資金を貯め、2007年にアイルランドのワーキングホリデービザを取得し、2007-2008年にダブリンのエメラルドカルチュラルインスティテュートで英語を学ぶ(在学中にケンブリッジ大学ESOL試験FCE合格)。帰国後、2008-2010年に株式会社クレステックのローカライズ部署でプロジェクトマネージメントを担当。2011年にフェローアカデミー カレッジコースで翻訳の基礎を学ぶ(在学中にTOEIC IPテストスコア985獲得)。その後、2012-2014年にSDLジャパン株式会社グローバルソリューション部でリードトランスレーターとして翻訳業務全般(翻訳、レビュー、品質管理、ベンダーコーディネート等)を担当。2014年に地元松本へ帰郷し、フリーランス翻訳者(Bridgeman)として独立。2017年4月、イタリアのミラノに移住し、現在に至る。

Bridgeman=a person who builds a bridge across languages and people

In order that people speaking different languages communicate what they want to communicate to each other, what can I do with translation? Carefully, simply and accurately, keeping proper distance from the source and staying in the background, yet with playful attitude.

Koji Yamaguchi

Language: English->Japanese and Japanese->English
Expertise: product copy, web ad, video script and more, including restaurant menu, emails, blogs and letters. Specialized in the field of marketing-flavoured materials.
Throughput: English->Japanese: 1,500-2,000 words/day, Japanese->English: 1,500 characters/day
Metrics: it is basically worked out per word (EN->JA) or character (JA->EN). As it varies depending on the content, please make inquiries through “Contact” page if you would like to get an estimate.

Born in Matsumoto, Nagano (JAPAN). Received BA from Kanagawa University (Faculty of Foreign Languages-English Department) in 2005; saved money picking up miscellaneous jobs and studied English abroad at Emerald Cultural Institute in Dublin with a working holiday visa from 2007-2008, passing University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations FCE; after coming back to Japan, engaged in project management at the localization department of Crestec Inc. from 2008-2010; studied translation basics at the College Course of Fellow Academy, scoring 985 at TOEIC IP test meanwhile, from 2011-2012; engaged in translation services ranging over translation, review, quality assurance, vender coordination, etc. at the global solution department of SDL Japan K.K. from 2012-2014; started career as a freelance translator “Bridgeman” since 2014 in Matsumoto; moved to Milano, Italy since April 2017.



Ortisei, Italy, 2010 (photo taken by Martina Sberla)