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Matsumoto Translation Study Meeting Vol. 3 @ Gust


「Vol. 3」とあるとおり、実は今回で3度目の勉強会。他の参加メンバーは、働きながら翻訳家を目指して勉強中の2人で、松本のとある会社の翻訳部で辣腕を奮う元上司のKさんと、monkavaの3周年記念パーティーで知り合ったギター会社の営業マン兼ミュージシャンのHくん。松本で翻訳の世界に足を踏み入れている数少ない仲間同士、少しでもお互いのスキルアップや知識の共有につながれば、ということで、2か月に1度くらいのペースで勉強会を開いています。



すっかり冬らしくなった松本の12月。Hくんによる「What more can I say?」の訳、「言葉にならないね」に刺激を受けた第3回目の勉強会でした。


The night before last, I held a translation study meeting at Gust in Minami Matsumoto (“Gust” written in the alphabet seems sort of cool).

As the title saying “Vol. 3”, this was the third time to hold the study meeting. There are other 2 members, both of whom studying to be translators while working: K-san, who has been exerting his acumen at a translation department of a company in Matsumoto; H-kun, a salesperson at a guitar company and musician, with whom I met at the 3-year anniversary party of monkava. The meeting is taken place once 2 months or so for the sake of mutual skill improvement and know-how sharing, as a small circle of personnel putting their foot in the translation world in Matsumoto.

What we practically do is to translate the same material picked up by each person on duty, get together at a place where we can stay long, and exchange views comparing each other’s translation. The materials we have chosen so far are the following: a couple of paragraphs from “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad for Vol. 1 (Yamaguchi); a sample of written contract for Vol. 2 (H-kun); and for Vol. 3, a web article on “Twin Peaks” returning on TV (K-san).

Gathering at 7pm and, after having dinner, we kicked off the meeting. Absent-mindedly thinking “how could I imagine that I would be studying at a family restaurant at the age of 31?” at Gust with high school girls chatting loudly around, our talk over translation dragged on and on, without us knowing, and it was already 11pm. As with the time I held the study meeting with my translation school friends through skype, the night always falls so quickly where there are translation devotees gathered talking about translation.

December in Matsumoto, in its very much wintry fashion, the Vol. 3 meeting ended with H-kun’s impressively translating “What more can I say?” as “言葉にならないね” (“I’ve got no words to say”).

*If anyone interested in joining us, feel free to contact me.

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