昨日は、いつも何かとお世話になっている古道具 燕の北谷さんのお誘いで、『ZUBAKURO STOCK OPEN 06』のお手伝いと『Bridgeman Translate Cafe』出店のため、旧四賀村の燕倉庫にお邪魔してきました。
『ZUBAKURO STOCK OPEN』は、月に1度(奇数月は2度)倉庫を開放し、「お店の限られたスペースでは見てもらえない在庫、特に大きめの家具類など」を公開して販売する、という催し(詳細はこちら)。今回、初めて参加したのですが、のどかな旧四賀村の田畑に囲まれた広い倉庫内に、雰囲気のある古道具や家具などが所狭しと並べられ、場に漂うゆるい空気も含めてトータルで楽しめる、北谷さんらしい催しでした。
『Bridgeman Translate Cafe』は、北谷さんのご厚意で、開催4日前に無茶ぶり気味にご依頼いただいた異業種カフェの試み(今回の場合は「翻訳カフェ」)。コーヒーを淹れること以外に何をするのか、お客さんだけでなく本人もよく分かっていないという状態でしたが、先日のサクラCAMPでお話しした方や、これまで会ったことも話したこともない様々な業種の濃い方々とゆっくり話をすることができ、色々な意味で刺激をもらいました(Chez Momoの蒔田さん、コーヒーの淹れ方について教えていただき、ありがとうございました)。「普段はカフェをやってるんですか」、「いえ、翻訳をやってます」というやり取りから自己紹介をするのも面白かったです。
Invited by Kitaya (Kodogu Tsubakuro), from whom I am often helped in many ways, I went to his warehouse in ex-Shigamura to join “ZUBAKURO STOCK OPEN 06” as an extra hand and also to set up “Bridgeman Translate Cafe” yesterday.
“ZUBAKURO STOCK OPEN 06” is an event, in which Tsubakuro opens its warehouse monthly, or twice in the odd months, to show and sell “stocks that cannot be displayed at the shop due to its limited space, especially larger-sized furniture” (see here for further details). This was the first time for me to join the event, taken place at a huge warehouse surrounded by pastoral farmlands of ex-Shigamura, packed with aesthetically old articles and furniture here and there, where people appreciate the place as a whole including the laid-back vibe floating in the air, which felt very much like Kitaya’s.
“Bridgeman Translate Cafe” started in response to a thoughtful request slightly compulsorily given 4 days before the event from Kitaya, which was intended to be a cross-industrial meeting cafe (“Translate Cafe” on this occasion). Nobody, including the people coming by and even myself, had any idea what else on earth there would be other than coffee being made and served, but I had a slow and long talk with people who I met at Sakura CAMP, and also individual ones from various business areas who I never met nor talked (my thanks to Maita (Chez Momo) for teaching me how to brew coffee), which inspired me in various senses. I also enjoyed the course of conversation from “Do you run a cafe at other times?” to “No, I translate”, introducing myself.
I can never be too grateful for Kitaya who prepared everything: prior announcement; providing with all the coffee equipment; designing the Bridgeman logo, etc. Thank you so much.
Being just a beginner, though, I am hoping to bring what I can do with translation into something tangible step by step.
*Illustration: Kitaya-san
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